map+france Gwenaël is a senior at the École Waldorf Steiner de Sorgues en région d’Avignon, in Sorgues, France.

Waldork Status:  9 years,

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Gwenaël: I think that the morning verse is something good because it reminds me that I go to Waldorf school, and that it’s awesome school! Also, it  helps me be more concentrated in class I can’t really explain why but it works and this is awesome.

What do you plan to do after Steiner School? 

I actually plan to join the « Thin Blue Line » and become a french Gendarme which is like a State Trooper or join a Fire Department, but I would also like to do a 3D animation school called MOPA (Motion Picture In Arles) cause that is a mix between Art like at a Steiner School and Computer work which is one of my passions.

Looking back, what advice would you tell yourself in class 9?

I think if I had to do that I would tell myself to not be afraid of the future and just keep going ahead, whatever is happening right now it could be worse or better in 5 minutes so just live and be happy.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better? 

In France (or maybe just in my school) we do not have those fair but we have closely related ones. My favorite is the Christmas market (even if we don’t have snow in the south of France.)

Foreign exchange? Where?

In 7 Grade I went for two week to Germany to the Freiburg Steiner School to improve my German (and it didn’t work at all).  In 10th grade I went on exchange to the USA to the Monadnock Waldorf High School in Keene for 3 month, that was one of the best experience than I ever had. It was my first time away from Europe, I had never been to the USA and I met really awesome people and I really improved my English during my exchange.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

I  was proud after the trip that my class and I took to India. This was a special project in my school, it was like a senior trip cause we earned  money and worked to pay for everything on the trip. We raised 21k euros in 4 months and we went for two weeks to India to help the Untouchable peoples in the Thars Desert. It was an awesome experience than Steiner give me and to everyone in my grade.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

I guess than it was during the 4 month of raising money cause it was really intense and we worked really hard and I was stressed about not raising the money in time but we did it.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf high school?

That you learn things not just for learning but for understanding and that you should always try your best whatever happens.