
Words of Waldorks

The Waldorf experiences of the Class of 2016





pennsylvania-road-mapLara is a senior at the Kimberton Waldorf School in Kimberton, Pennsylvaina.

Waldork Status: 14 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Lara: The line that stands out to me is “I look into the world and see the shining sun” the rest I tend to say on auto pilot. However, this line makes me think about always looking at things from the bright side.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about?

I wrote about my experience in 4th grade moving from Chemnitz, Germany to Kimberton, Pennsylvania, and how it was for me to learn a second language etc.I also wrote about my experience on exchange at Colegio Waldorf Lima, in Lima, Peru and how it was for me to learn a third language. I basically wrote about me learning languages and then later being able to translate between German and English and Spanish.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

I have absolutely no idea, maybe to not procrastinate, and to not freak out about grades, to much work load etc. Actually I would tell my 9th grade self not to stress and to have fun, because if I stress then that is where problems arise.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Fall/harvest/winter fair is better because we have Michaelmas day. On Michaelmas day there is a whole ceremony where grades 2-12 presents something and the 6th grade despised as the dragon comes out. Michael, often on a horse, then comes from the top of the hill and slays the dragon its awesome. I was St Michael twice and it was really awesome and fun!!!

Also for Advent we have advent assembly’s which are beautiful. As a whole school, we gather every Monday after each advent Sunday and sing People Look east as well as Light the advent candle. There are musical sharing and a fairy tale is told by the seniors. At this time we also celebrate honuka.

Foreign exchange? Where?

Colegio Waldorf Lima, in Lima Peru.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

I feel like that will happen once I stand on stage at graduation.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

Really every year of high school I felt very challenged and as I went up the grades that challenge grew according to my age. So I would say that this year as a senior I have felt challenged the most because we are seen more as adults and many classes are geared to prepare us for college (I think), but they are still Waldorf with lots of presentations, art projects, main lesson books, etc.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

Be creative and don’t be afraid to fail. Use your imagination!


karte-1-608-en Laura-Fiona is a senior at Freie Waldorfschule in  Frankfurt, Germany.

Waldork Status: 12 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Laura-Fiona: The morning verse gives me the feeling that we are all in this together.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about? 

I didn’t apply to college this year.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

I would tell my ninth grade self that a heart break is not the end of the world.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Winter fair is my favourite.

Foreign exchange? Where?

I went to Australia as an exchange student.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

I felt the most challenged at the beginning of year 12 at  Waldorf High School.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

One truth about life that I discovered is that it takes a lot of work to change your self but it is even harder to change some one else.


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