Hawaii mapMartine is a senior at Honolulu Waldorf School, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Waldork Status: 15 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Sometimes my mind drifts off to random thoughts when I say the verse. Sometimes I picture my future self in college and if I will ever think about this verse and miss saying it. Other times, if a year is coming to an end I think: “this is the last time I’ll say the verse as a freshman…sophomore…junior…senior or as a 15 year old, 16, 17.. etc which makes me feel excited about the future but at the same time the thought of leaving behind the deep friendships I’ve made with some people I’ve known almost my whole life and some I’ve just met hurts my heart. The teachers often have us face the ocean as we say the verse (I look into the world) and this helps me focus on the words I am saying. Other times it just makes me feel like I’m really ready to MOVE ON. Reflecting on this has made me realize that the verse is more than just a collection of words and that it actually impacts me… Thank you!


If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about?
Oh man.. this brings up stressful feelings from intense days of getting all the applications in on time… Anyway, I wrote my common app statement about my personal development and leaving the confinement of my smaller self and learning to focus on different more fulfilling things such as hiking, surfing, swimming, connecting with the earth/nature and simply enjoying the presence of people that I love (family/friends) while still recognizing that life will always be challenging for me and for everyone! The Waldorf community definitely came up in a few of the extra questions that the colleges asked me: how it helped shape who I am today and my actions in the future.


Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

I would tell myself to care less about my reputation, but then again, I wouldn’t be on the path that I am now if it weren’t for the immature, unsure freshman I started out as… I guess I would advise myself to just enjoy life and the few responsibilities that come with being 14/15 years old (easier said than done though!)


Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?
We don’t have those fairs. I doubt that this is the reason why we don’t have them but it might be relevant to point out that the only difference between Summer and Winter here in Hawaii is a couple degrees change in temperature and an increase/decrease in the waves, we do have some changes but they are quite subtle compared to other places around the world. We do however have a “Waldorf Fair” every Fall, which was definitely a blast in my younger years..


Foreign exchange? Where?
Yes! I went to Freiburg, Germany in the second semester of my junior year. It was a great adventure that I learned, matured and grew from as a person. It was awesome to experience the difference in culture, climate and people.


When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?
Oh this is a good one. I have been a steersman for the Waldorf outrigger canoe paddling team for the past three seasons and it is always a joy being competitive for each other and experiencing such intense teamwork and support from one another. It is also extremely heartwarming to hear about my classmate’s plans for after high school and to listen to how excited they are and just noticing their true intelligence and how much they’ve matured over the years. I used to be a bit embarrassed when I told people I go to Waldorf but now I say it with pride, because I know I am receiving an alternative, unique and overall great education with people that I love. I also feel a sense of warmth and pride whenever I talk about “old times/ memories” with my classmates or when we look at our old class pictures, it just seems so amazing that we’ve been together for so long and how much we’ve changed.


When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?
That would probably be this year. These past few months of applying to colleges and for scholarships have been quite challenging and frustrating for me, especially considering that our college counselor was teaching this for the first time and basically learning it with us. Sometimes it can be challenging to be around the same people day after day, year after year. I have occasionally found myself frustrated with some of the teachers and their methods of teaching… I’ve noticed that because our Waldorf school is so small, we can sometimes lose contact with a professional setting (particularly in high school), which has its ups and downs.


What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?
At Waldorf I have learned to cherish true friendships and having a close relationship to mentors and teachers. I will take with me my love and connection to fine arts (clay, wood work, painting, drawing, etc.) I will take with me my curiosity and hunger for learning and exploring in the world. I value my understanding of how much people change and develop into themselves. I feel that Waldorf has helped me feel an appreciation for and love of mother nature (plants and animals) and I know I will value this throughout my adulthood. I’m also happy that I will be able to knit myself a scarf when I go to a place where it snows in the Winter!