new-york-roadAlexandra is a senior at Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School in Hillsdale, New York.

Waldork Status: 10 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Alexandra: The day, the weather, what it will be like without it.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about?

I wrote about my family moving to the United States from Guatemala and the difficulty of the transition and trying to balance two cultural identities.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

Take it easy and breathe. Everything is going to be okay.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Winter fair all the way. I love the romanticism of it.

Foreign exchange? Where?

No foreign exchange but did visit Guatemala for 2 months last year in replacement of an exchange.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

Forming the Student Council and getting the dress code changed.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

During the beginning of precalculus. We had a wonderful teacher that really pushed for us to do our best.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

That you need balance. Everything needs to have a certain level of balance to go well. Inwardly and outwardly. If your outside world is unbalanced then you will be too. And if you are inwardly unbalanced than your outside life will reflect that.