300px-Vermont_map2Adam is a senior at  Lake Champlain Waldorf School in Shelburne, Vermont.

Waldork Status: 12 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?  

Adam: I have thought about this question throughout senior year and originally I thought it was just something to bring all the students together in the morning, but now I think I have come to the conclusion that it is about something more. Now it also roots me and reminds me of all my life/time at Waldorf and everything that means to me.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about? 

I wrote about overcoming a struggle and persevering. I was leading a rockclimbing pitch in north Conway and came to a tricky part near the top and, after climbing all day, I was so tired I needed to be thrown a rope to have a few minutes break. Later I went back and finished the climb.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

Don’t be an ******* (can I say that?) You’re not any cooler or any much a better person than the boy sitting next to you. To get respect you need to give respect to others – so be respectful and chill about it.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Ugh both equally as bad. But I have come to enjoy the warmth and community aspect of the winter fair.

Foreign exchange? Where?

Verrières-le-Buisson (just outside Paris) for three months last fall. Amazing experience, highly recommend it even if you don’t feel comfortable speaking a foreign language.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

I don’t have a specific time in mind, but whenever I look back at my eight/ninth grade self and see how much I’ve grown and changed throughout high school. Most of this is definitely due to Waldorf because I can also then look back at some of my friends from middle school and see what I would be like if I had attended public school as they decided to do.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

Definitely on the first day. Coming to a new school and joining a new class after only having met a handful of other students a few times before.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

Some much of the information or knowledge that I have learned and still need to learn can only be learned through experience and drawing conclusions from previous experiences. Things cannot be learned just by someone (sometimes teachers) telling you.