mao of maine smallZoe is a senior at Maine Coast Waldorf School in New Gloucester, Maine.

Waldork Status: 13-14 years

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Zoe: It makes me think about stars. After the first two lines I space out and get lost in this wonderful image of stars and planets and looking at earth from a distance.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about?

My personal essay is about homeschooling my junior year of high school, my struggles I was having before leaving and how I became and stronger more confident human being within that year.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

I would tell myself to be confident, and to not be afraid to ask for help.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Our Medieval/May fair is the best. I always love dressing up, and the energy of awakening and new life is always positive and exciting.

Foreign exchange? Where?

I did not go on exchange, however, I did travel to Europe junior year and stayed with some friends who came to our school for their exchange. I visited Cologne, Germany and Paris and Lyon, France.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

When I can say what my little, 40 student, high school does or has accomplished; my class hosted a contra dance, or my class is organizing a food drive, or my school came in 3rd at the One Acts festival with no budget last year, or our Frisbee team won the spirit award for the 10th time, I know my school does what we do with passion, determination and love and that is something I will always be proud of.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

When I rejoined for my senior year. Before the year started I had to work out some logistical stuff for my teachers (e.g. transcript, classes I may have missed), I felt like my own knowledge, and the legitimacy of my previous year’s work was being doubted and I had to stand up for myself and my education and trust that it would take me as far as I needed to go.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

Never underestimate the power of real human interaction. Whether it be a conversation, an argument, taking a stand for your needs, or the loving hug of a friend, being able to communicate and interact openly and compassionately with others is an incredible gift.