
Words of Waldorks

The Waldorf experiences of the Class of 2016


May/Spring/Medieval Fair


Hawaii mapAni is a senior at the Honolulu Waldorf School in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Waldork Status: 16 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Ani: I think the morning verse symbolizes how aware the Waldorf philosophy is of the world around us. We are taught in the younger grades to ask the plant before picking a flower or to also save that little beetle from being stomped on by some clumsy second grader. Not many people are this appreciative of mother nature and all that she does for us. I did an exchange to the Kimberton Waldorf School in Pennsylvania and I found it interesting how the verses were so different, yet so alike, there were different words, yet the meaning behind them were exactly the same.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about? 

For the Common App, I wrote about what a struggle losing my grandmother was, and what I did to get out of the rut her death had left me in. For my personal statement, I definitely talked a lot about the benefits of Waldorf education. I also talked about my involvement in sports and other extra curricular activities, such as leadership seminars and community service. I also talked about how growing up in Hawaii with a half Japanese family shaped me into who I am today.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

I would definitely tell myself to not change myself just to fit in or impress other people. I would also tell myself to find out who my real friends are to save myself the heartache. I’d also advise myself to not procrastinate with school work… haha.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

That’s a hard one, but I think Spring festival definitely has more involvement with all the grades and is just a lot more fun and exciting.

Foreign exchange? Where?

I did my exchange to the Kimberton Waldorf School in Kimberton, Pennsylvania. Many people ask why I chose such an odd place and whether or not it is even considered a ‘foreign’ exchange since it is in the same country, but I was met with so many new experiences that it almost felt as if I was in a different country. Going to Pennsylvania was one of the best choices I have ever made.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

I remember the day as if it were yesterday. It was my second year in high school and I was in my upper math class; we were studying geometry. All of a sudden over the loud speaker Mrs. Dwyer summoned the whole school down to the auditorium. We all sauntered single file out of the class room and down the stairs, still confused as to what was important enough to interrupt math class.  When we arrived in the auditorium and were met with a bunch of the teachers. They proceeded to explain that there was a beached whale just down the road from our school. And as we walked down the street I saw the excitement in each of the students eyes. Even the so called ‘cool’ kids, who appeared as if they didn’t care about anything, cared about this dying whale on the sand. This just proved that Waldorf can bring out loving, caring child in everyone.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

I definitely felt challenged during the whole college application process. I felt very unprepared and frightened about the future. I feel like Waldorf has a tendency to shelter the students. So Im still pretty freaked out.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

I think I have to choose two for this one. I definitely learned to appreciate everything around me, no matter how little something may seem, it plays a role in my life somehow. I also learned how important community is. I have been with the people in my class for over half of my life. They are my family and always will be. And that is something that I will cherish for a lifetime.


illinois-road-map Silvia is a senior at the Chicago Waldorf School in Chicago, Illinois.

Waldork Status: 4 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Silvia: Normally I just say it without much thought ( it is 7:55 in the morning after all). But I guess when I do think about the morning verse it gives me a sense of community.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about? 

I applied to a few colleges this year (none on the common app) a few essays I wrote were about what I wanted to major in and what I enjoyed doing… etc.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

To not stress out about getting into college, if you work hard it will turn out okay.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Spring/May/Medieval fair is way better because it is marking the beginning of the end of school and warm weather.

Foreign exchange? Where? 

I went on exchange to Colombia summer between 10th and 11th grade.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

On our all school camping trips or during the winter festival.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

I felt the most challenged when I had to face the ACT.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

This is a very hard question… I guess that showing your work in a visually pleasing way is important, that and Eurythmy is great.

Throwback! Hannah ’15

netherlands_pol87 Hannah is a graduate, class of 2015 at the Waldorf School in Zeist, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 

Waldork Status: 15 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

It reminds me that today is a new day full of new challenges and opportunities.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about? 

I wrote a book about a girl who discovers herself while on a journey to a magic land. She meets new people, new cultures and a new way of living. While she’s on that journey, she loses everything she has, and by doing that, she finds herself.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

I would tell myself that it is OK to be alone sometimes, and that in that loneliness I would be able to find myself and find the people that I truly wanted to be (friends) with. I would make sure that I would know that the only person I could be was myself, and that being that person is the best person I could ever be. 

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Spring/May/Medieval fair, because Spring is about new life, it is about appreciating the warmth and the sunlight; everyone feels more alive and positive.

Foreign exchange? Where?

I went to Toronto, Canada, and stayed for three months. 

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

I was so proud when we went to the most amazing Concert Hall in the Netherlands with our choir (which was grades 8 through 12) and performed Mozart’s Requiem for 1500 people. 

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

I live an hour bike away from my school so it was a challenge everyday to get on that bike and ride a total of 32 km. 

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

Something I discovered while going to a Waldorf School was that you can be anyone you want. As long as you are willing to fight for what you want, anything is possible. Some people will let you down and some will help you to get up, but being true to yourself is the key to your happiness.


pennsylvania-road-mapCeleste is a senior at Kimberton Waldorf School.
Waldork Status: 3 1/2 years.
Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?
Celeste: I don’t really think about it at this point. I kind of dread it honestly. Its become just another part of school that sucks early in the morning, tbh.
If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about?
I lived in Singapore for 6 months in sophomore year and i wrote about the immense struggles I had over there, and how grateful it made me for my Waldorf family back home.
Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?
Don’t try to grow up so quickly. Stay true to yourself, always, and remember that you will find people who love you (in my case, it was at Waldorf that I found these people)
Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?
May Fair for sure. Everything is growing and sunny and everyone is happier!
Foreign exchange? Where?
I didn’t technically do one, but I lived overseas in Singapore for 6 months. It was pretty awful though.
When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?
So many times! Volunteering with Side by Side, a program that brings inner city kids into our school garden to teach them about sustainable agriculture was a highlight though. Also, hosting prom in 11th grade was pretty great. We decorated a barn and it all came together so beautifully ❤
When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?
At times, its difficult being with a small class, because you’re like a family in that you fight and disagree a lot, but that’s also a really wonderful thing. Some of the teachers at my school are definitely very difficult.
What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school? 
Always take responsibility, no matter what happens in life. And I don’t just mean for your actions; I also mean taking initiative in the community to organise events, help others, and better the environment. There’s also a creative element in myself that I have tuned into since attending Waldorf. Be proud of who you are, stay true to yourself. All that good stuff.


new-hampshireLoey is a senior at Monadnock Waldorf High School in Keene, New Hampshire.

Waldork Status: 4 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Loey: I kind of love the morning verse. I know it’s a bit like a drone because we all say it every morning, but I think it’s lovely to start the day by acknowledging the world and its inhabitants and by wishing for “strength and grace and skill for learning and for work”.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about? 

I wrote my Common App essay on a speed card game my family plays called squinch. The question I was answering was whether there was a moment or event that signified my transition from childhood to adulthood etc etc and mine was when I got old enough and good enough to really play the game with the grown-ups.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

Don’t worry so much. In the grand scheme of things, one French test or overly friendly text message that you can’t un-send isn’t going to matter a whit.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

I’m not sure we do these… The closest things I can think of are Michaelmas and the craft fair, but those are both in the fall? Or do you mean May Day? I don’t know. I like spring better than the fall at any rate.

Foreign exchange? Where?

Not I, sadly. If I had, I’d have gone to France. I wish I had gone, though, because my French would be so much better and I think I would have had fun.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

This one is difficult. I feel proud every time I pull off something artistic that I didn’t know I could. I feel proud when our class goes on trips out in public and we have fun but not in an obtrusive way. I feel proud when my first grade buddies hug me because we have such a connection with the lower grades. Honestly, I feel proud at lunch when a mixed-grade group is eating all together and shouting and joking as though we’re all siblings.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

The most difficult part of my school has been the itty-bitty-teeny-weeny size of my class (we are six). We love each other like family, but it gets difficult sometimes to be around one another so constantly.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

Even if you don’t like someone or seriously disagree with them, if you are respectful and kind no matter how they treat you, you will feel good in yourself and will be able to get along with anyone (even if you don’t like them.)



pennsylvania-road-mapHannah is a senior at the Kimberton Waldorf School in Kimberton, Pennsylvania.

Waldork Status: 15 years.

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Hannah: Honestly I’m still half asleep, its like second nature

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about?

My exchange to Germany and how overcoming the language barrier helped me learn to not be afraid of making mistakes.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

The four years aren’t as long as they may seem at times so don’t back down, keep striving for the best.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

May Fair! Its full of fairies and happiness
Foreign exchange? Where?
Bochum Germany- the best 4.5 months of my life

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

During the High School Musical production.
When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?
Like any other school some classes are more interesting then others, but over all nothing has been abnormally challenging.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

Imagination and creativity lead to prosperity.


mao of maine smallZoe is a senior at Maine Coast Waldorf School in New Gloucester, Maine.

Waldork Status: 13-14 years

Words of Waldorks: What does the morning verse make you think about?

Zoe: It makes me think about stars. After the first two lines I space out and get lost in this wonderful image of stars and planets and looking at earth from a distance.

If you applied to college this year, what did you write your personal/ Common App essay about?

My personal essay is about homeschooling my junior year of high school, my struggles I was having before leaving and how I became and stronger more confident human being within that year.

Looking back, what advice would you tell your ninth grade self?

I would tell myself to be confident, and to not be afraid to ask for help.

Fall/harvest/winter fair vs. Spring/May/Medieval fair… which is better?

Our Medieval/May fair is the best. I always love dressing up, and the energy of awakening and new life is always positive and exciting.

Foreign exchange? Where?

I did not go on exchange, however, I did travel to Europe junior year and stayed with some friends who came to our school for their exchange. I visited Cologne, Germany and Paris and Lyon, France.

When did you feel the most pride during Waldorf High School?

When I can say what my little, 40 student, high school does or has accomplished; my class hosted a contra dance, or my class is organizing a food drive, or my school came in 3rd at the One Acts festival with no budget last year, or our Frisbee team won the spirit award for the 10th time, I know my school does what we do with passion, determination and love and that is something I will always be proud of.

When did you feel the most challenged during Waldorf High School?

When I rejoined for my senior year. Before the year started I had to work out some logistical stuff for my teachers (e.g. transcript, classes I may have missed), I felt like my own knowledge, and the legitimacy of my previous year’s work was being doubted and I had to stand up for myself and my education and trust that it would take me as far as I needed to go.

What is one truth about life that you will hold as an adult that you were given or discovered at Waldorf school?

Never underestimate the power of real human interaction. Whether it be a conversation, an argument, taking a stand for your needs, or the loving hug of a friend, being able to communicate and interact openly and compassionately with others is an incredible gift.

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